The Community and Economic Engagement Network's (CEE) core mission is to support network members in promoting new and innovative, internal, and external collaborations to help advance local and regional communities and economies and extend the reach of campus communities.The network represents university outreach and engagement, inclusive of community, economic, and workforce development. It focuses on the role that universities can play in the advancement of initiatives that positively impact the quality of life in our communities and economies at the national, regional, and local levels, recognizing that some elements of this work often begins in the pre-K - 12 environment and continues through post-workforce years. CEE supports the mutual exchange of intellectual resources and expertise between the university and its broader external communities, including government agencies, businesses and industry, non-profit organizations, community groups, schools, and other educational institutions.
last person joined 13 days ago
Local, state and national governments and industries are actively seeking international partners to expand markets and workforces that help address components of the global economic crisis. Educational institutions are embracing the need for global competencies, are incorporating international concepts into the curriculum, are continuing to develop satellite campuses and are actively pursuing international students, international faculty, study abroad and exchange opportunities, philanthropy, etc. And these changes are happening in countries all over the globe—not just in the United States. For these reasons, the International Network is an indispensable resource, leading the profession—and the Association—toward a prominent role in navigating the globalization of the academy. The International Network provides UPCEA membership with insights, general direction, strategy, trends, and models for integrating international education into their work. It creates forums for the exchange of ideas, programs, services, and initiatives that expand member knowledge regarding global and international education.
last person joined 2 days ago
The Marketing, Enrollment and Student Success Network (MESS) engages members in actively building the competencies, skills, and confidence needed by today’s professionals to successfully attract and retain students in an ever-changing and increasingly competitive adult, continuing, professional, and online education marketplace. The Network focuses both on powerful fundamentals and on new and emerging marketing, enrollment, and services practices that come from both inside and outside higher education. As a result, MESS members are recognized and valued for the critical role they play in their institutions’ success.The MESS Network fosters a community where professionals at all levels can build their expertise and their leadership skills by learning from industry experts and from each other, and where the success of its members is celebrated and shared broadly. Members will also find cutting edge programming in the highly successful Annual Marketing and Enrollment Management Seminar.
last person joined 16 hours ago
The Online Administration Network (OA) serves as a bridge between the administrative functions of online learning (marketing, online student services, program development, etc.) and the design of online learning. Participation in the OA Network provides access to authentic institutional online operational models, best practice trends in online management, professional analysis of learning design applications, and the formulation of best practices in the use of technology and learning design in online instruction.OA members have access to a community of UPCEA members with similar interests and needs to help you negotiate current issues and opportunities. Members can also participate in unique professional development forums such as the Summit for Online Leadership.
last person joined 6 days ago
The Program Planning & Implementation Network (PPI) provides a forum for members to share and explore program management best practices and innovations in credit and non-credit programming. The Network supports the professional development needs of program coordinators, managers, and directors and the similar competencies necessary to be successful professional, continuing, and online leaders. The network is a community that strives to identify, develop, and sustain innovative programs. This is done through the sharing of information obtained through environmental scanning, benchmarking, and institutional research to inform creative approaches to program design and management. Specifically, the network shares best practices and helps members develop competencies in creative program planning, implementation and assessment, and meeting student/participant needs with limited resources.
last person joined 3 days ago
The Open Forum serves the entire UPCEA membership. It is a virtual workspace where you can make posts, ask questions and share documents about professional, continuing, and online education. UPCEA events are always right around the corner! Find out who's attending and what all the chatter is about. Post a message to the discussion and get engaged with other UPCEA members!
last person joined 14 hours ago